Delish Delights

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Delish Delights

Longevity Peach Buns

Delish Delights

Assorted Croissants (Box of 3)

Delish Delights
COD: asrtd cros 3
1 butter croissant, 1 chocolate croissant, 1 custard cream croissant

Assorted Croissants (Box of 6)

Delish Delights
COD: asrtd cros 6
2 butter croissants, 2 chocolate croissants, 2 custard cream croissants

Assorted Turnovers (Box of 4)

Delish Delights
COD: asstd turn
Any combination of 4 Chicken Pot Pie, Beef and Onion, Chili Con Carne and Tuna Mushroom Turnovers

Butter Croissants (Box of 3)

Delish Delights
COD: butter cros 3

Butter Croissants (Box of 6)

Delish Delights
COD: butter cros 6

Chocolate Croissants (Box of 3)

Delish Delights
COD: choc cros 3

Chocolate Croissants (Box of 6)

Delish Delights
COD: choc cros 6

Custard Cream Croissants (Box of 3)

Delish Delights
COD: cstd cream 3
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